A Logico-Visual Data Analytics Tool
This Web-application has been tested with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Always use it with the newest versions of these Web-browsers.
By using the Rule Extractor (REx) you are agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions.
This application has been built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (including lz-string and MathJax), jQuery, and Java; it is physically hosted by firestorm.ch.
The name REx was suggested by Ivan José Varzinczak.
2015/08/06: beta
2015/12/16: + binary-file analyser (BFA)
2016/04/13: + input data table transposition (pre-processing)
2016/04/13: + input data row subtraction (pre-processing)
2016/04/13: + input data sign retention (pre-processing)
2016/04/19: + hypothesis calculator (post-processing)
2016/04/19: + distance calculator (post-processing)
2016/11/29: graphical optimisation (zeichenfabrik.ch)
2017/03/11: BFA + {summaries, details zip}
2017/07/30: + complementarity calculator
Author = {S. Kramer},
Howpublished = {\url{https://www.rule-extractor.ch}},
Title = {{Rule Extractor} {(REx)} --- {A} {L}ogico-{V}isual {D}ata-{A}nalytics {T}ool},
Year = {2015}}
As a desirable side effect, Algorithm 1 also extracts and visualises a complete set of quantitatively qualified, fuzzy (not invariant) reasoning rules from its input data.